Sunday, May 20, 2012

Weekend in Aberdare

Hello Everybody!
Another weekend completed... And time just keeps ticking on faster and faster. I can't believe that we only have 11 more days left in the month of May! With more ministry opporitunites than you can 'shake a stick at' I'm absolutely trying to grow and learn as much as possible!
I was in Aberdare this weekend at Moriah Baptist church with Pastor Dale and his wife Helen. I went over to their house last night, after food bank collection at the Gurnos Christian Centre. Which we collected 6/10ths of a ton this week alone!

This morning I preached to the congregation in Moriah Baptist about The Gospel.

We looked at our plight of sin, as it relates to a courtroom. In which God is the Judge. We know that He is
love but God is also just and must punish sin.
He demands perfection because He is holy and righteous. And beginning with Adam, humans has committed a crime.
Romans 3:23 tells us “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”

Man cannot redeem himself. The Bible tells us that even our good works are as filthy rags.

All of the good things we do are simply an extension of our own pride.
“Sin is a deliberate treason against the majesty of God, an assault upon His crown, an insult offered to His throne.” –Charles Spurgeon

So as we stand before the Holy Judge, we have no witnesses who can attest to our perfection, we stand fearful and disgraced for breaking the very laws of God.
Of spitting in the face of Creator, ruler, and sustainer. And all the guilt and shame leveled right at each and every one of us seems too much to bear.
We look up at the judge with contrite hearts yearning for a way out. Yet we know there is nothing we can do to lift the verdict which is sure to declare you and I guilty.
Rom. 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death….”
But God had an eteral rescue plan.
Someone else comes and takes our punishment...
Rom. 6:23 cont. "...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
In first John the Bible says Christ was our Propitiation: It means an atoning sacrifice.
Jesus took our sin on himself when he was crucified.
All that is required of us, is to be born again. Which is laid out for us in Romans 10:9-10 Admit, Believe, Confess.
Perfection in and of ourselves is not possible. But through Christ we are made righteous.
So our final verdict as Christians is innocent.
We are now eternally seen as blameless, forgiven, redeemed, and justified. However, it doesn't end there...
We have been commissioned to spread the Gospel. W
hat a privilege to be representing God the very name image and reputation of God almighty!
So in application, we must live the Gospel.
-Remember what Christ did for you. And don't be afraid to share it. Romans 1:16
-Behave as a child of His... Not out of law (becasue we have to) but out of love (because we desire to please and glorify Him)
-Apply the Gospel to every day life. (for example: forgive others as we have been forgiven)

This was some of I covered...(plus a little more) It was a 3 hour sermon.... Just kidding! (it was much longer)

Then this evening, I heard Jon Dyer preach in Park Baptist.
Afterward, I went out with some friends for food at Nando's for evening meal.
The food was delicious, and I was challenged to eating the spiciest sauce with my meal... At first I was hesitant. But I knew I couldn't just back away. So In the end, I had burning lips but I won the challenge! All in all a quite busy day. And back to work tomorrow!

Goodnight All!
In Christ,


  1. Sounds good! Maybe next time qoute some scripture! ;)

  2. Thanks! :)
    haha, yes I'll try to remember that for next time.
    At least I kept most of them in Romans for this sermon... It saves on page turning travel time.
