Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Busy Days...

I thought several things about this sign:
1) Why did the emergency helpline change their number?? Not really. Actually seeing the difference in number was helpful. but,
2) I thought the difference between discovering or suspecting a fire was funny. So even without evidence of a fire I should adhere to the steps below?
3) The best of all, "fight the fire...with the appliances..." So, I went and grabbed the refrigerator and toaster, then proceeded to fight the imaginary fire!

Today was pretty productive, I started the day at St. Lukes church with the morning prayer meeting held every Wednesday morning.
After prayer, we had a delicious dinner (lunch) of jacket potatoes (baked potatoes), chili, and salad. Of course accompanied by coffee and tea.
Next, unexpected by me, after lunch a few of the people from our Prayer meeting stay a little later to have a Bible study. I was asked to lead the study, And of course I didn't mind... but I had think of a passage of scripture for us to talk about. So I chose Galatians 5:19-26, and we explored the fruits of the spirit.

I then traveled to the Gurnos for just a little while to catch up on some work via my first experience of public transportation here in the U.K. The buses here are fairly nice. The only thing not nice about today was the constant, drenching, dowpour of rain and hail. I walked back to the house from the Christian Center and it wasn't raining at first, but as I rounded the courner I saw I would have a very uncomfortable 10 minute walk. Indeed, to say I was soaked would be an understatement. But thankfully I had my rain jacket, so it could have been much worse. I again journeyed in song, singing in the rain, minus the spinning with an umbrella. It made my otherwise dreary walk much more pleasant!

About 10 minutes (and a change of clothes) later I headed up to Park Baptist to help out with "Oasis". Oasis is an older kid's ministry for those of about 10 years of age to 14.
They seemed to think my accent was quite entertaining. I got to meet a few of the kids and talk about the parable of the sower with a few of them. Then we did some word games and it was quite a good evening. I've been asked to come along for a weekend trip with the Oasis and YP (Older teens) groups in June to help out with games, lessons, etc. It will be up at the Beacons (the mountains I've shown you before) :)
Tomorrow I'll be seeing the Queen. Unfortunately, the weather forcast predicts heavy rainstorms all day. However, "the show must go on". And I'll update you on how the day has progresses tomorrow evening.


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