Monday, April 16, 2012

Valley communication

Today I went along to several important meetings about the missions trip in July. Pretty much making sure all the churches in the different valleys are on the same page, that everything is running smoothly, and seeing if there is anything we can do to help until July.
One of the churches we met in today. -located in Ebbw Vale

So I had a cup of tea, put my laptop into the boot of the car, and took off to attend our meetings!

We had a great time of prayer and fellowship in both valleys we went to today. As well as worked on getting the details together for the trip... Which of course means more work for me, but I don't mind! :)

That took most of the day today, I'll explain further what was discussed in the meetings at a future time. But right now I shall unwind for a little bit and then go to sleep.



  1. Sounds like they are keeping you busy.

    1. Absolutely! I'm glad to be as much of a help as possible.
      (help eating all the food, help watching tv, etc.) haha just kidding :)
